A Roundup of Discounted Services for Seniors

August 20, 2020

Whether you are frugal by nature or by necessity, finding services for the best price always makes good financial sense. Many of today's seniors live on modest incomes from government assistance or small pensions.  Below is a list of affordable products and services specifically for seniors:

Adult Day Care:

Adult day care centers may be the ideal solution for seniors who should not remain home alone but do not need the intensive and expensive care that a nursing home provides. Many adult day care centers are run by local governments or churches. Many of them only charge nominal fees merely to cover their operating costs and some may offer their services on a sliding scale. Eligibility requirements vary by location. Search https://www.adultdaycare.org/ for options in your Maryland community.

Free/Low-Cost Dental Services:

The Maryland State Dental Association provides free/low cost dental services, including dentures, through its Mission of Mercy program. http://www.msda.com/mission-of-mercy.php

State Pharmaceutical Assistance Programs (SPAPs):

Maryland seniors can take advantage of assistance programs aimed to help seniors afford prescription medication. For more information on income and residency requirements, coverage details and co-pay amounts, visit  the website for the senior prescription drug assistance program, http://marylandspdap.com/.

Caregiver support:

The national family caregiver support program (NFCSP) provides counseling, training, support groups and respite care for seniors. These services are meant to support caregivers and are designed to supplement, not replace, the efforts of family caregivers.

Discounted Hearing Aids:

The Lions Club offers a program designed to obtain free and discounted hearing aids. Contact your local chapter for more information as some programs offer new devices and others provide used ones. You will have to meet medical qualifications for the trial and often there will be a waiting list, but this is a great way for seniors to receive free or deeply discounted hearing equipment.

At Stouffer Legal, we keep an eye out for services that would benefit seniors in our local Maryland communities. Contact us for more information on Elder Law needs such as estate planning and long-term care planning.


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