A Triumph for Maryland Families Over the State's Arbitrary Decision on 529 Plans

August 4, 2023

State agencies, though primarily established to serve the interests of citizens, can sometimes be found on the opposite side of the fence. Case in point: the recent battle Maryland families had to fight to protect their children's educational future. After a prolonged dispute over earnings from Maryland 529 college savings plans, these families can now finally reap the benefits they've been striving for, following the reversal of a decision that initially threatened to undermine their savings efforts.

Maryland families who took the initiative to save for their children's college education using the state’s prepaid tuition program were initially denied the earnings on their contributions. However, after a series of heated debates and legal actions, State Treasurer Dereck Davis announced this week that these families will receive the generous earnings they initially expected.

This victory is not just about financial gains; it's a testament to the unwavering commitment and tenacity of families working tirelessly to secure a bright future for their children. The state's previous arbitrary decision to withdraw the distributed earnings from thousands of account holders was indeed a shocking revelation. It called into question the state's role as a guardian of citizens' interests and revealed a disturbing lack of transparency and fairness in its dealings.

Davis' recent declaration to set a 6% earnings rate on contributions is seen as a long-overdue victory by the parents who have invested in the trust. It's a victory over state interference and a testament to the power of collective action against unfair practices.

However, the reversal of the decision did not come easily. Parents had to wage a months-long battle, all while dealing with the impending college tuition bills for their children. The experience serves as a harsh reminder that even state agencies, designed and obligated to serve public interests, can sometimes act adversely.

The series of complex problems unraveled during this battle was likened by Davis to 'peeling an onion'. From assurance of a 6% interest on contributions via phone calls and emails, to the discovery that the agency's former actuarial firm had budgeted for families’ contributions to earn 6%, the revelation of these details painted a concerning picture of the operations within Maryland 529.

As Maryland families celebrate their hard-fought victory, we need to reflect on the broader implications of this situation. The triumph underscores the need for transparency and accountability in the operations of state agencies. It highlights the crucial role of persistent inquiry, citizen-led initiatives, and public pressure in upholding justice and fair practices.

On a more personal level, it reminds us of the importance of vigilance and collective action in safeguarding our interests. It encourages us to question, challenge, and fight against arbitrary decisions that impact our lives significantly, and highlights the importance of our state courts and judges who apply the laws and rule on the constitutionality of legal precedents.

In conclusion, while we celebrate the win of Maryland families, we should also regard this episode as a wake-up call. We need to ensure that our interests, as ordinary citizens and hardworking families, are always protected, even when it seems like the state is working against us. The victory is a testament to the power of collective action, a reminder of the potential hurdles in our path, and an inspiration to never stop fighting for what we believe is right.

Image credit: www.maryland529.com

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