Free Cognitive Tests to Assess Your Senior Loved One

August 26, 2022

Forgetfulness. Mood swings. Paranoia. Just plain crankiness. What is normal aging and what constitutes cognitive decline that may need addressing? If you are concerned about possible cognitive issues with your senior loved one, there are several free tests available to assist you in making a determination.

First, be aware of the most common signs of dementia. These include memory loss, forgetting the time or place, mood swings, struggles with word recall and difficulty making decisions. When some or all of these are present, it is time to administer some of the free cognitive assessment tests. While these tests are not intended to be diagnostic or replace medical intervention, they do point you in the right direction as to which steps to take next.

Simple Word Memory Test

Cite three objects in the person’s immediate environment (ex. Desk, television, telephone, etc.). Ask the loved one to repeat them back to you. Take a break and have them complete the clock-draw test (described below). When completed, ask them to recall those three objects. If they cannot repeat back those objects, they have failed this test.

Clock-Draw Test

This is a simple but revealing test. Ask your loved one to draw a clock on a piece of paper and point the hands to the correct time. You then assess the result using the following point system:

- One point for a closed circle.

- One point for all twelve numbers.

- One point for having all the numbers in the right place.

- One point for having the hands point in the right direction.

They should be able to acquire all 4 points in order to pass the test.


The Self-Administered Gerocognitive Exam (SAGE) is an easy 12-question form that should take no longer than 15 minutes. There are five different versions of this test created so you can use it several times. The questions are a mix of medical, personal and riddle-type questions. To pass the test, the test-taker should not have more than 6 wrong answers. The test can be accessed here.

Early diagnosis can help stave off symptoms, so if your loved one is not passing these free tests, take them in for a professional medical examination right away. For more information on elder law services provided by compassionate attorneys in the Greater Baltimore area, contact Stouffer Legal. You can schedule an appointment by calling us at (443) 470-3599 or emailing us at

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