How to Manage Elderly Temper Tantrums

June 8, 2022

There are various stages in life where we are more prone to temper tantrums – as toddlers, teenagers and yes, as elderly adults. This acting out is typically a result of being so triggered by strong emotions that you lack the self-control to stay composed. It can be difficult for those witnessing the events to know how to react and the steps to take to calm down and soothe the person struggling with overwhelming emotions.

Some common reasons seniors are prone to temper tantrums include:

- Personality changes brought on by Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia.

- Prescription medications with side effects that cause mood swings and irritability.

- Drug on drug interactions.

- Anxiety or depression over declining health, loss of independence or fear of dying.

- Unmanaged pain.

- Poor sleep.

After listing all the possible causes, it may seem apparent that step one is to try to figure out the cause of your particular loved one’s outbursts. If you are dealing with someone who is cognitively impaired, the only thing you can do is remain calm and compassionate and try to keep the person on schedule and in familiar surroundings to minimize the number of issues.

If there are physical reasons behind the outbursts, then solving those problems may solve the temper tantrums as well. Managing medications properly, ensuring your loved one gets enough rest and preventing pain and discomfort may also eliminate tantrums.

If you discover that your loved one is simply throwing tantrums like a toddler or teenager to insist on his or her own way, then you may need to employ some of the following tips to keep everyone from growing more frustrated:

1. See a doctor. Inform the doctor of the tantrum issue and allow for an evaluation to rule out physical or mental health issues.

2. Do not engage. Stay calm and walk away from the person during an outburst. By giving tantrums attention, you reinforce the behavior. Give the person time to calm down before re-engaging.

3. Set boundaries. Inform the person during a calm time that you will not be spoken to rudely or give in to unreasonable demands. State your rules and expectations clearly and enforce them.

4. Take a break. When caregiving becomes overwhelming, ask for relief from other family members or paid caregivers.

Caregiving for elderly loved ones in difficult in the best of circumstances, but can be disheartening and stressful when the loved one is prone to temper tantrums. At Stouffer Legal we provide elder law services such as estate planning and long-term care planning that helps ensure seniors have all the right documents and strategies in place to age with dignity. Contact us to learn more. You can schedule an appointment by calling us at (443) 470-3599 or emailing us at

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