Transitioning to Rehabilitation After a Hospital Stay, Part 1 

November 8, 2021

Many patients, especially elderly patients, who are discharged from a hospital stay are not in a position to return home. They may need additional time to recover and continue to be cared for by medical professionals. The solution for this situation is to move a loved one to a rehabilitation hospital.

The purpose behind the transition to “rehab” treatment is to help patients get back all or some of the movement and function they lost because of the current health problem or treatment. It may be due to stroke, surgery or some type of trauma. The goal of rehab is to help the patient regain independence. It often requires a lot of hard work by the patient.

Medicare, Medicaid and most private insurance plans cover rehab when ordered by a doctor, but there will probably be extra costs. Unlike hospitals, which admit patients in various stages of illness, rehab hospitals and other places that provide these services admit only patients who they think can benefit from the level and kinds of services they provide. The hospital staff can help navigate which rehab setting will be the most suitable for each patient in need. Learn as much as you can from the hospital discharge planner or someone in the financial office of the rehab facility. Have them explain what costs may not be covered by Medicare, Medicaid or your private insurance plan. This can help you make an informed choice that will be most economically feasible for your situation.

Rehabilitation Services

The following types of treatments may be included in a rehab setting:

Physical therapy (PT): This helps patients who have problems in moving, balance, walking and performing other physical activities. PT can also help patients learn to use prosthetic (artificial) arms or legs, shoe inserts, wheelchairs, walkers or other assistive devices.

Occupational therapy (OT): This helps patients develop independence with self-care and other activities of daily living such as eating, dressing, personal hygiene and using the telephone.

Speech therapy: This helps patients relearn language skills such as talking and understanding spoken and written words. It also helps with feeding issues and improving memory problems.

Psychological counseling: This helps patients adjust to major life changes caused by an injury or illness. Counseling may be offered to one person at a time or in a group environment.

At Stouffer Legal, we know how challenging it can be to provide care for an elderly loved one. Making the transition from hospital care into a rehab setting may require considerable research and advice from various professionals. Contact our compassionate elder law attorneys for more information on long-term care planning and estate planning. You can schedule an appointment by calling us at (443) 470-3599, emailing us at, or register for an upcoming free webinar using the link below:

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