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Aging is a Success Story
Aging is the sign of a successful life. After all, when you think about the alternative to aging your perspective about getting older shifts. You should start seeking self-sufficiency for your retirement years well before the age of sixty-five.
October 22, 2020
4 Life Insurance Options for Seniors
As you get older, qualifying for life insurance policies can become increasingly difficult and they also become more expensive. With that being said, there are still several options available for seniors
October 21, 2020
Can an Executor or Trustee Liquidate Property without a Beneficiary’s Approval?
Whether dealing with a trust or administering a will after a loved one has passed away, there are times when an executor or trustee may be inclined to liquidate assets and distribute cash to beneficiaries rather than transfer real property, stocks or other investment holdings. It is in the discretion of the trustee or executor to make this decision as long as they are able to get close to fair market value for the assets.
October 19, 2020
Estate Planning Tips for the Remainder of 2020- Preparing for a Democratic Sweep
This is definitely a year that will go down in history books for many reasons, especially the pandemic of covid-19. It is also an election year and if current projections ring true there could be a democratic sweep take place in November.
October 16, 2020
Is the Aging Middle Class Being Left behind?
As we age, simple things we took for granted as kids become more difficult -- and more expensive. That’s a truth all of us know. What you may not realize is that the aging middle class will face unique difficulties going forward.
October 15, 2020
How to Create a Senior Care Plan in 3 Easy Steps
Step one in the process of creating a senior care plan is to review the senior’s home environment, activities of daily living, health status and financial situation. While assessing the situation you will want to gather information and notice any gaps in care, areas that need to be addressed and list out step-by-step all daily activities needed.
October 14, 2020
Using a Life Estate Deed to Protect the Family Home from Medicaid Recapture
There are many planning techniques that can benefit individuals seeking to find long-term care while also protecting a family home so it may be passed down to the next generation. The key is to plan ahead. Medicaid has a five-year look-back period where assets transferred during that window may be recaptured.
October 12, 2020
Barriers to Voting for the Elderly Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic
Seniors have a reputation of being some of the most reliable voters. There will be many more challenges ensuring that every vote counts in the 2020 election.
October 9, 2020
Will an Inheritance Spoil Your Children?
There two schools of thought when it comes to leaving inheritances, according to Forbes in "Why Not To Leave Too Much To Your Grown Up Kids." It is generally accepted that when parents pass away, everything they have left will be inherited by their children.
October 8, 2020
Top 5 Signs that Indicate It May Be Time to Move to Memory Care
Safety - Whether it is the safety of the senior or your own safety, this is often the first and Top 5 Signs that Indicate It May Be Time to Move to Memory Care
October 7, 2020
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