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What You Can and Cannot Do with a Power of Attorney
Every adult (yes, even an 18-year-old) should have a power of attorney. Incapacity is unpredictable. It does not discriminate by age, gender or socioeconomic status.
February 14, 2022
Does it Violate HIPAA to Ask Someone if They Have Been Vaccinated?
Many caregivers, home health aids and those being cared for want information regarding the vaccination status of those they spend time with in very close quarters. When hiring someone to care for you or a senior loved one in the home, the pandemic has forced us to take steps to protect ourselves and those most vulnerable, specifically the elderly.
February 11, 2022
The Internet of Medical Things
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services are looking to the future of the US health care system, and it is projected to be overloaded with seniors needing medical care. In 2010 the US elderly population accounted for about 13 percent of the US population yet accounted for 34 percent of the total health care expenditure.
February 10, 2022
Medicaid Assessed a Penalty – What Next?
Most people are familiar with the popular Medicaid 5-Year Look-Back penalty. In order to qualify for Medicaid, you cannot transfer assets without receiving fair market value in return within a five-year period from the date you apply.
February 9, 2022
Lonely Winters for the Elderly
This time of year can be very trying for the elderly. Despite advances in technology and the ability to communicate easily, research indicates that people of all ages are lonelier than ever before. Growing older tends to bring on a more solitary lifestyle.
February 7, 2022
The Use of Family Limited Partnerships in Estate Planning
A family limited partnership is a legal business entity that allows family members to pool assets in order to run a business venture. Each member owns shares of the partnership (which do not need to be equal) and each profits in proportion to the shares owned.
February 4, 2022
Appropriate Documents For End-of-Life Care Decisions
You may think your living will is in order, including instructions regarding resuscitation commonly referred to as a DNR (do not resuscitate). While your wishes in a living will may be appropriately documented, that does not guarantee the instructions will be carried out as you stated.
February 3, 2022
Terminating a Special Needs Trust
Once a special needs trust (SNT) has been established, it either terminates at the death of the primary beneficiary or in the event of specifically stated circumstances noted in the language of the trust.
February 2, 2022
Age Discrimination
Age discrimination in the workplace is a problem that has been addressed by lawmakers since the 1960's but continues to be a serious problem. According to, age discrimination is defined as "the practice of letting a person's age unfairly become a factor when deciding who receives a new job, promotion, or other job benefits. Decisions about terminating employees also cannot be solely based on their age.”
January 31, 2022
Comparing 3 Types of Independent Living for Seniors
As we watch our parents age, we may notice that the current living arrangements are not the most ideal. Maybe downsizing is needed, or a different floor plan or a location closer to loved ones and caregivers.
January 28, 2022
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